So, there is not much to add to the historical information around Chronicles that we didn't get from the Book of Kings because now all we have done is gone back to the beginning of the Monarchy. What we can take note of, however, is the subtle differences between the histories of the Books of Kings compared to the Books of Chronicles. The Book of Kings is believed to have been fleshed out during the reforms of Josiah and maybe the generations after, during the Babylonian occupation. The fall of Judah would have been fresh in the minds of the editors and authors of the writings. The Book of Chronicles is believed to have been constructed after the return of the exiles from Babylon and so the history of David and the messianic promises of the prophets would have been in the minds of those authors and editors.
The first major difference between the two texts are the events of King David. He is definitely portrayed in a much more positive light. There is no mention of his adultery or some of the other questionable decisions. I don’t remember the Book of Kings mentioning the special warriors known as the Three and the Thirty, but that was fun. It reminded me of a comic book series or something. Also, there is no mention of David's childhood or the situation with Goliath. These chapters are mostly the military victories and accomplishments of the first King of united Israel. This book is also more heavy on the religious side than the political. There is much more detail in these writings about how David prepares for the building of the Temple and the inner workings of the priesthood.
The final chapters of this first book of Chronicles are all about the duties and positions within the Temple. These would have been the major references for the returning exiles who began the process of rebuilding Solomon’s Temple. The children of Abraham would never reach the height of power or prosperity that they enjoyed during the period of Kings and Chronicles, but the stories would be dutifully recorded and retold in hopes of one day achieving greatness in the name of Yahweh.